Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's Real

You know, you can speak against abortion encouraging pro-life decisions to be made and speak up for post-abortion healing, but until you have been to an abortion clinic to try to encourage young girls and ladies going in, to change their minds it feels like just that, "talk".

I'm not saying that the prayers from a distance and pleading with real friends over the phone, in person, at school or at their house is not enough.  If you lose the battle with them and they choose to go through with the abortion, you see them go from with child to without child.  It is definitely real, but there is something about going to the clinic that makes it that much more real, for me.

I have done all of the above. I even decided to start a Pro-life Facebook page, started this blog, I've done a Pro-life march trying to encourage others to choose life,  but this Saturday is actually my first time going to an abortion clinic.  We, my oldest daughter and I, made our signs and took them to the clinic.  There were others there praying, had signs held up and signs that stood up.  They also had pamphlets they hand out to provide Pro-life information.  Also information on another place that will offer free pregnancy tests that encourages life instead of this type of clinic, that is known specifically for encouraging and performing abortions.

As we were there, we also saw cute little newborn clothing and newborn packages that they hand out to the young girls and ladies that change their minds and choose life.  We were there this past Saturday for about an hour and a half to two hours.  We saw one girl that got dropped off by two of her friends. This experienced pro-lifer tried to speak with the two friends to see if they would go back in there to change their friend's mind.  They said there was nothing they could do.

We witnessed this and I thought to myself, not only is this girl's baby going to die, she will suffer from having her child murdered, if not immediately, at some point once the realization smacks her in the face.  I felt for the baby. I also felt for her, knowing that she will be in pain, a pain that she might not be able to recover from. She definitely would greatly benefit from post-abortion healing for her mind and her heart. I also felt bad for her two friends,  they were in a position as accomplices, not as supporters as they thought they were.  It will hit them too when they realize what they have done.  Abortion does not just affect the person having it done. It affects several people around them, even those of us that don't even personally know the person.

There was another girl that we witnessed coming out.  It was obvious that she had just gotten her procedure (abortion) done. She had a guy driving her out from the clinic.  It was sad.  They weren't talking. She was staring off.....lost.  She honestly looked like someone who just lost a child and wished she could take it back. I spoke to one of the gentlemen in the group and I told him what she looked like to me and I told him unfortunately she can't take it back. What's done is done.  This is REAL.

As sad as this is to me, seeing the two girls that made the choice to abort, I will go back.  I feel that if I can change one person's heart and mind and save at least one life, I have made a difference.  I will always try my best to help someone who is struggling with the the life or death decision during their pregnancy, to help them to see that there is a better option than abortion, always.

I fully agree with the quote that Mahatma Gandhi said...
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

Friday, March 9, 2012

Girl Scouts/ Planned Parenthood

Here I am a proud pro-life activist and yet I sit here with inner strife and conflict, feeling like I'm speaking out of both sides of my mouth.

I used to be in Girl Scouts, a Brownie, I remember all the fun times I had. The fun activities we participated in, the songs we learned, the confidence we gained and the bond we girls shared with each other, along with our leader. It was just a fun time in my life and I remember looking forward to each meeting and the significance of being sworn in doing the Girl Scout promise, raising our three fingers on our right hands and having that special ceremony.

Girl Scouts is the largest sorority.  In my family it was passed on from generation to generation.  Each one waiting to become age appropriate to be part of that sorority. A rite of passage, if you will. My aunt, my Mom couldn't because it wasn't in the area they moved to, but she, I'm sure, longed to. I was excited for my child to join. By that time they had started Daisies and she got to experience being a Daisy and loved it.

Eleven years younger, my middle daughter is now in Daisies.  However, this is where I'm having the inner strife and conflict.   Before I signed her up I was hearing rumors circulating around about their connection to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion mill and the largest advocate for promoting casual and premature sex to contribute to their business of performing the abortions. They had the sign up at my Catholic church so I thought maybe it was just rumors.

I asked one of the directors of the Girl Scouts and she informed me that it was taken out of context and twisted around.  The Girl Scouts were not passing out Planned Parenthood pamphlets out for the girls and that in fact, the girls had met in a room that PP had used the night before and it had not been cleaned and there were still pamphlets left out and a couple of GS got their hands on them. I asked her if she could provide proof through an email to me, which she was expecting at the time and ended up having the baby early and I didn't receive the email.  I took her word on it and signed my child up.

We have had lots of fun, but the more active I become in being a pro-life activist and the more information I'm finding linked between GS and PP, it sickens me.  We sold cookies so that she would be able to get the patch and I literally felt sick to my stomach.  I felt like I was turning in blood money.  I was having mixed feelings as to what to do, whether to keep her in and hope for the best, but I now know that this year is definitely her last.  If GS decides to go in a different direction and no longer support PP then I'll be more than happy to sign her back up, along with my youngest when she is of age.  It really is a heart breaker and an eye opener to have that news served to me about Girl Scouts.

Here are a couple of links that you can check out in regards to why I have chosen to make my decision.  We have to take a stand for what we believe in and better yet, Speak out for the one's who can't.  "Speak Out for the Silent Voices"



Here is another one regarding an ex-Girl Scout that decided to bake cookies and sell them..."Cookies for Life."....Good for her!!!

There are many others regarding the Girl Scouts Links to Planned Parenthood as well.

Also, Please check out my Facebook page for current pro-life, anti-abortion news and information. If you have a Facebook account you can click on the link below and click "Like" to be apart of my page and stay in the "know." If you don't have an account sign up for one...it's worth it. :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Being a Pro-life Activist

This blog has been a long time coming.  I guess you could say I've been a pro-lifer since I've known how babies were made. ;)  I have had several friends starting from high school throughout, that became pregnant and struggled with the decision to have the baby or not.  I always found myself in the position pleading with them to "keep the baby, put it up for adoption."  I had, every time, lost the battle. Each of them decided to have an abortion.

I connected every one of their babies. Feeling extremely sad for each and every baby aborted. I also felt sad for the Mom and the regret that I'm sure she would feel, if not immediately, I'm sure at some point, when she realizes exactly what she did.  I pray for the babies soul and the Mom's healing mentally and Spiritually.

At one point I begged an extremely close friend of mine's parents to not let their daughter have an abortion. I lost that battle, not that it is a fight between me and the Mom or the Parents. It is a fight for the unborn, to "Speak Out for the Silent Ones."  I am still friends with her and have been for 31 years and love her parents dearly.  She regrets her choice and says she thinks about it daily and struggles with having horrible nightmares.  It hurts me for her.  I pray for her and her Parents and the soul of her baby.

The latest abortion that I pleaded for the babies life has gotten to me really bad.  It has made my decision to not only be a pro-lifer, but an active pro-lifer.  This one is one of a good friend of mine who was almost 20 weeks along.  I had just gone to a birthday party for her other 4 kiddos, all of them girls and this one was to be a girl as well. I was so excited, as was she.  I asked her if I could feel her belly.  I felt her pregnant belly and bonded with that baby as I have with all of God's children.  We sat and talked about what she was going to name her,  if she was feeling her move and all the fun stuff that comes with pregnancy. It was such a fun time.

A couple of weeks later she got an amnio done, a test done to determine if there are any abnormalities with the baby and can even determine the sex of the baby.  This test, however, was done upon her request, her second one (That I know of, the other was done with her previous baby).  She had a family member that had a baby that had down syndrome and she wanted to make sure her baby was going to be "normal."

I talked with her the whole time as she waited for the test results to come back.  The results taking longer than expected...the worries were getting higher and higher for her.  I tried calming her.  I reminded her of our own experience that we went through with our last baby. We took the triple screen blood test that pregnant women of a certain age take, suggested by the doctor, that check for spina bifida, down syndrome and another disorder.  Ours came back with an exceptionally high probability for down syndrome.

My husband and I were together when we got "the call" from our nurse. I remember it like it was yesterday.  Speaking to the nurse through tears and trying to sound positive on the phone with her that I told her no matter what we love this baby and this baby is God's gift to us and our family.  She said she understood and that she would be praying for us.  There are a lot of false positives, but this test came back a real high probability.  She set up our appointment to go get our high-def ultrasound done and she even gave me her cell phone number to let her know what we found out after the appointment.  She was so sweet.

We had prayed and did a lot of research trying to get a head start on something that would be brand new for us. We went to get the ultrasound where we, up until that point, thought we were having a boy.  We were pleasantly surprised to find out we were having our third girl.  Everything looked "normal" on the ultrasound.  We were relieved, until the Doctor then told us that 60% of Downs babies show up "normal" on an ultrasound.  He then suggested we have an amnio done.  I immediately said "no." There can be risks with amnios and if I didn't have to have one, I wasn't going to.  We were keeping our sweet baby regardless, so why even worry about getting the amnio, just to know faster?!?!?  The Doctor told us that 90% of people with a downs baby abort.  My Hubby did NOT appreciate him saying that.  It was as if he was suggesting we do the same.  He told the doctor we WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE ABORT OUR BABY AND TO NEVER SUGGEST IT AGAIN.

We went through the remainder of the pregnancy not knowing, but prepared ourselves through prayer, research and talking to parents of downs children.  We had prayers all around us. We did not worry, we kept Faith.  We loved her and that pregnancy was the best one out of all three of mine.   Finally the "day" came when we got to meet our little girl, our gift from God.  She was born and I asked the assisting Physician "Does she have down syndrome?" He looked at me like I was crazy and asked "Why? were you worried about that or something?" I told him the situation and he told me "No, she is healthy and doesn't have downs."

She is now over 2 years old and I look at her and am reminded of that time in our lives.  We are very blessed. I thank God for her and I also thank God for opening our eyes to Downs and giving both my Hubby and I a great appreciation for Downs babies, children, adults and their parents.  If it wasn't for that situation we wouldn't have given it much thought.  Now I want to hug every Downs baby and child I see.  I love them all.

Getting back to my friend, her test results finally came back and they said that her baby girl had Downs.  She had told me when I was going through all that that with mine, she didn't think she would be able to have one, the look alone.  She was pregnant with her fourth child when she told me this and I prayed that her baby did not have Downs. I was scared of what reaction she would have and action she would take.  Her fifth baby girl's test results came back positive for Downs.  She said she didn't know what she was going to do.  I told her from that moment, "If you aren't going to keep the baby, please give the sweet baby a chance at life and give her up for adoption."  I talked to her the whole time since she found out to news ,the drive to the clinic, before and after she got dilated,after the baby was aborted, and as they drove home to their four other children.

I had called different friends trying to seek help requesting adoption,  posted prayers in the prayer group.  I had three people wanting to adopt her child. I told her. I had also told her about a friend of mine that worked in a lab and said some of the amnio results end up being wrong, because maybe it was left out too long or even results sent to the wrong person, but none of it mattered.  She said she was scared that no one would adopt her.  I will never understand abortion, especially when there is another option.